Your Innkeeper

Profile picture of the innkeeper Caryn



Caryn’s fascination with Victorian houses began about 40 years ago, when she purchased a do-it-yourself dollhouse kit. After a few frustrating attempts to glue the foundation and three walls together, it became clear that dealing with an already-built, real-life Victorian would be a whole lot easier.

In 2006, Caryn purchased the home at 210 East Street, which was previously a bed-and-breakfast. The home was reintroduced to Three Rivers as Voyager’s Inn as part of the 2007 Holiday Homes Tour.

Caryn grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. She developed a passion for the flute at an early age, which led her to the Interlochen Arts Academy, and later to the University of Illinois to study with renowned flutists Charles Delaney and Alexander Murray. Her professional music activities included several years as a high school band director, and over twenty years as director of church choirs for all age groups. Caryn served as Administrator of the American Board of Otolaryngology (testing/certifying organization for ear, nose and throat specialists) for 24 years. She retired in August 2009 and is enjoying her new life as an innkeeper.

Caryn’s enjoys substitute teaching, reading, quilting, sewing and playing her flute when she is not busy keeping a 120-year-old house in running order.